Company Registration Thailand

Company Limited Registration

According to the Civil and Commercial Code
Company limited registers in Thailand is mostly straight forward with our assistance the process will be simple easy and we will ensure that you retain full control of your company limited

Company Limited Registration in Thailand
Is that kind of company which is formed with a capital divided into egual shares, the liability of the shareholders
being limited to the amount unpaid on the shares respectively held by them.

Establishment of Company Limited
To establish the company limited, shall process according to the following :

1. Must have at least 3 persons signing together in order to prepare Memorandum and then register. Upon receiving the amount of shares, the director must register as the company within 3 months from the date of company’s meeting to establish the company.

The promoters must have the following qualifications :
(1) Be ordinary person, not juristic person
(2) Be 12 years old or more
(3) Must reserve to buy at least 1 share

Information used to register the Memorandum
(1) Company’s name (the same as the name reserved)
(2) Location of head office (located at which province)
(3) Objective of the company
(4) Registered capital must be divided into each share with the same value (share’s value must be at least 5 Baht)
(5) Name, address, age, occupation and number of shares that persons who start up the company reserve to buy the
(6) Name, address, age of 2 witnesses

2. When the Memorandum has been registered, shall perform the following :

(1). Every promoter manage to reserve and buy all the shares
(2). When all the shares are reserved, the promoters must without delay hold a general meeting of subscribers which shall be called the statutory meeting.

3. Meeting agenda.

(1) The adoption of the regulations of the company, if any.
(2) The ratification of any contracts entered into and any expenses incurred by the promoters in promoting the company.
(3) The fixing of the amount, if any, to be paid to the promoters.
(4) The fixing of the number of preference shares, if any, to be issued, and the nature and extent of the preferential rights accruing to them.
(5) The fixing of the number of ordinary shares or preference shares to be allotted as fully or partly paid-up otherwise than in money, if any, and the amount up to which they shall be considered as paid-up. The description of the services or property in return for which such ordinary shares or preference shares shall be allotted as paid-up shall be expressly laid down before the meeting
(6) The appointment of the first directors and auditors and the fixing of their respective powers.
No resolutions of the statutory meeting are valid unless passed by a majority including at least one half of the total number of subscribers entitled to vote, and representing at least one half of the total number of shares to such subscribers.


4. The promoters shall over the business to the directors.

5. The directors shall the re upon cause the promoters and subscribers to pay forth with upon each share payable in money such amount, not less than twenty-five percent of the share’s value .

6. When the collection of share’s price is complete, the authorized director shall prepare the request for the
registration of company’s establishment and submit to the registrar. Regarding the submission for registration, the authorized director shall sign the name on the request and must submit to register within 3 months from the date of company statutory meeting. If not registered within the specified period,
the company statutory meeting shall be void and if would like to register to establish the company, shall arrange the meeting for persons who reserve to buy the shares again.


3. Regarding the company establishment, if can perform every step as follows within the same day that the promoters prepare the Memorandum, and the director can request to register the Memorandum and register the company within the same day.

(1) Shall have the persons reserve to buy all the shares that the company can be registered.
(2) Arrange the meeting to establish the company to consider various affairs and all the persons who start up the
company and all the persons who reserve to buy the shares shall attend the meeting, and all of them shall agree in the affairs in the meeting.
(3) Persons who start up the company assign all the affairs to the director.
(4) The director call the person who reserves to buy the shares to pay the shares according to the Civil and
Commercial Code, and such share’s price has already been paid.